Monday, February 3, 2014

Perfect Bound Notebook

This is my perfect bound notebook: 

These are the Photoshop files: 

These are the InDesign files: 

This is the finished product: 

This is my perfect bound notebook done in one of my minor classes Publication Graphics...I designed, printed and bounded these books myself! 

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Final Course Summary

   I've learned in this class a lot of things and leave this class with a wealth of knowledge that is beneficial to me in future courses, internships, and various jobs. I became a lot more in depth in the processes of file management in Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign.
    There are a lot of things that I like about this class, such as the projects we have done and this course really gives you real world experience in the way things are designed, processed, printed and distributed.
    My favorite project was the magazine and billboard project because I feel that I did particularly well with the designs of them both. However, all of the projects were very much a learning experience and feel that I have did well on all of them with designs and file management.
    Though I will miss this class, I'll take the knowledge from this class and apply it to my future projects pertaining to my degree and skills. 

Duotone In Photoshop CS5


     The image is a four color raster and before getting your duotone raster, you must first discard all of the color from the photo by converting it into a greyscale raster. After, you are able to select the mode Duotone on the drop down menu under image mode. After, you are free to choose a color and black to create an image with class and color. 
This image was taken by me. 
Check out my source for more information:

Monday, April 30, 2012

Comic book artist

            A comic book artist is, for the most part, a freelance job where work is inconsistent. They must confer with clients, writers, art directors and others that are interested in your work. Study in different techniques to appeal to all endeavors. Have current portfolios and past jobs to help attain new jobs.

            With this being such a specific area of skills; a secondary-education is required. However, work experience and professional jobs should be encouraged before your years of study are completed.

            Preferred skills and software include that of a wide range of expertise including the fields of graphic design and fine art practices specific and mastered over the years. Years of experience vary from artist to artist of which they can pertain prestige fast or slow and steady.

            The salaries range from 100 to 300 dollars a page, where professionals with prestige can demand even more; about 3 times that. Some established comic book artists are contract base and have long-term projects. However, most are freelance.

Check out my sources for more information:

Copyright Infringment A&M Records VS Napster

            Napster; a website created for users to download music for free and file to file sharing to other customers who used it. A&M Records brought the case to court accusing Napster of copyright infringement on the count of them stealing music and making it available worldwide free of charge to everybody. A&M Records won the case in 2002 and Napster was fine 26 million dollars paid back to many recording companies and songwriters.
Check out my source for more information:
Images from:

3D Animator

            A 3D animator utilizes programs such as Maya or Blender to manipulate images to make them move. With color, depth, texture and sound, where the only difference being that a 3D animator doesn’t have to draw everything out as an animator does. 3D animators manipulate the characters to transact and interact. However they do not create the characters of which they are manipulating.

            Education requirements include a post-secondary education; a degree or certificate of some sort. Depending on the company and how prestigious it is; the more education is required for that company.

            Preferred skills and software include being an artist of a specific area. Skills are varying depending on figure to background rigging and rendering. Most animators are freelance artists and don’t have steady work. The skills and years of experience varies dramatically from one single animator to another.

            The salary of a multimedia artist and/or animator is 56,330. However, they’re predicting a 12% increase as there is more demand for more animators in the near future.    

Check out my sources for more information:

Variable Data Programmer

            A variable data programmer organizes the direct mail based on time-critical management skills. Also takes care of interactive databases for marketing purposes. Manages very large mailing addresses for print, deals with corrections and translations, and goes through testing of designs of the mail pieces as well as other testing that is crucial for implementation of the direct mail pieces.

            Minimum education requirements are that of Associates in business and computer science. Preferred skills are 3-5 years in computer programming; C#, 5-10 years of general business practices, and 3-5 years in knowledge of black/white and color analog digital printing equipment.

            Salaries of variable data programmers range from 32,000 to 83,000 dollars based on location and the company of which they’re associated with.

Check out these sources for more information:,-IN.html