When placing graphics and images into InDesign; you say File>Place. Select multiple graphics and text files by shift-clicking.
Dragging and dropping images and graphics in InDesign; File>Place as well to get your image and a legitimate link. Also you can drag and drop from Adobe Bridge which these are the right things to do. Copy and pasting into InDesign leads you to no direct editing because there’s no link.
The links panel is very helpful when seeing your links updated. A yellow triangle by your placed graphic or image means that your placed graphic or image needs to be modified. A red stop sign means that your link is missing and it needs to be corrected.
Transforming graphics is a great way in getting the desired size you wish. By using frames that are automatically on the graphic once placed into InDesign. It can change the size and proportion by using the select tool, the scale tool, and the free transform tool. The selection tool allows you to move the frame and graphic around your document. The scale tool allows you to scale it proportionately, and the transform tool advances it by rotating and switching from horizontal and vertical.
Drop shadows in InDesign and Illustrator are very easy to get as it’s only a click away for simple drop shadow effects. Photoshop, however, let’s you further customize a drop shadow in the shadow effects drop down menu.
In InDesign, there is a color panel and a swatches panel. Colors created in the colors panel are not stored in the swatches panel. There is further inflexibility with color modes in the color panel with only CMYK, RGB, and Color Lab, however, it’s quick and easy. From swatches; it’s wise to pick from Pantone, Toyo, and Truematch colors as well as more color modes and it gives you the option of having spot colors or processed colors.
The Ink Manager fixes spot-color errors and inaccuracies by remapping extraneous colors to correct inks.
PDFs are often exported into Acrobat from InDesign or Illustrator. After, there are many options in which accompany a PDF.
There are many settings in which a PDF has to choose from. PDF versions, down sample/threshold, compression image quality, color policy, and description.
PDF/x-1a: 2001, is the best choice when given no specifications for a PDF file creation. Also the PDF is easy to manage with a wide variety of devices.
When you want to keep all of your layers, transparencies, or interactivities with Photoshop, you must export the document. However, using Distiller is favored by some print companies; however, exporting is much faster than distilling.
Editing in Acrobat after exporting your PDF file is limited because it maintains the document integrity. They’re supposed to be finished files, ready to ship.
Check out my source: Print Production with Adobe Creative Suit Applications for more information.