Thursday, February 2, 2012


There are many things that have copyright, even images and content on the internet. Copyright parameter describes the identification on the internet, a packaged file that can be viewed of copyright information.

                Fonts are even copyrighted to certain companies as to branding rights. Once you purchase a font, it’s not really you that now owns the font to do as you please with it. You cannot make a profit on your newly purchased font. Fonts also have to be purchased separately per user; including clients whom you’re selling your design and font to. If not, it’s a violation of licensed agreement between logo designers and typeface designers.

                Most images on the internet that you get are from Google or Wikipedia. However, they’re all copyrighted under creative commons. Also, copyright free images actually mean public domain; which is far from completely free. There are varying degrees of copyright restrictions of images either on the internet or photographs, graphics, and illustrations. Always assume that every image you see is copyrighted unless otherwise specified. Painting a photograph to the exact and also copying a style of another is also in violation of copyrights.

                With content, such as logos, music, graphics and writings, fallow limitations and restrictions of copyright laws.  ‘Works of Authorship’ and originality are protected by copyright. It first must be fixed. Copyright arises automatically when a work is published.

                Intellectual property refers to a company or any institution’s trade secrets, basic policies, procedures and even employee’s know-how; like manufacturing procedures. Copyright of these things protects the articles, procedures, and expression of an idea, but not the idea itself. However, one can sue for copyright infringement based on the written statement if it’s registered.

                Online content and images are less restricted as it’s a vast network. Though it is much easier to access content and images, everything is copyrighted under creative commons and public domain. Even heftier copyright laws are enacted on the internet such as fonts, logos, images, and music. for more information as these are the sources i got this information from.

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