Thursday, April 12, 2012

Logo Redesign: Pepsi

                Pepsi continues to change its logo design based on American’s cultural trends during its one hundred year reign over consumers. In 1945, Pepsi created ads and changed its logo to capture the spirit of a victorious America.  When America became weight conscious; Pepsi compromised once again with its logo. It soon expanded across the world in over 120 countries.  When Pepsi was first introduced to the world, the design used a simple font and the color red. As the logo changed, it became a simple circle with the colors of our nation’s flag; red, white, and blue. They also changed the font to read easier for the consumer.  
                My opinion and the opinions of many other consumers about the logo design is that Pepsi continues to sell and continues to compromise for consumers and listens to consumers and changes to fit the consumer’s mindset and continues to entice generations to come.
Check out my source for more information:

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