Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Pre-Flight Printing

Pre-flight reduces the likelihood of errors and problems when producing printed products.

The pre-flight process checks for many errors before outputting a product or advertisement. It must meet the production requirements such as fonts not being corrupt. Fonts that are in a compatible format and image files that are of formats the application can process, are just some of the many steps to check before outputting.

Image files must have the correct color format, and have to be the correct resolution. Color profiles must be included as well as image files must not be corrupt. Conformation of document size, margins, bleeds, marks, and page information fit within the requirements of outputting devices as well as adhering to your client’s specifications. Lastly, the correct ink plates are being output.  

Pre-flight offers many jobs. It’s manufacturing and producing products usually in bulk. It includes layout, prepress, post press, printing, binding operations, and output.  The salary of pre-flight specialists varies from the specific job sets. However, the average salary is $ 48,000 per year.

Pre-flight is very important for outputting products as everything from magazines to posters and brochures and many other things that enter into our everyday lives.

Check out http://www.simplyhired.com/a/salary/search/q-print+preflight  for more information as it’s where I get all of this information.

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