Friday, March 2, 2012

Master Image List Descriptions

Bitmaps are also called ‘line art images.” That only contains solid black and solid white. You scan your previously drawn image into your computer and produce high resolution images.

                A reverse allows you the option of showing paper through your design or image that then can be used in any color mode and file. 

                Vector art is created in Illustrator and has an unlimited amount of resolution and can also be converted to CMYK or RGB. 

                A duotone raster is composed of black and a spot color which the black shouldn’t be altered in any way when planning to print. 

                A grayscale raster is a mode in which all other color is expelled and there is no complete black or complete white only shades of gray. 

                A silhouette raster eliminates the background from an image and only leaves the important content left in the image. 

                A full bleed raster includes the official bleed on all sides of your document.  A four color raster includes CMYK value raster that is completely colored. 

                Screen tint is in CMYK and only uses processed colors whereas  grayscale isn’t exhibited, only converted to black. 

Check out more information on master image lists with Print Production with Adobe Creative Suite Applications. Images from demonstrations from class; Christel Benson: Instructor. And images from myself; created by me.

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